

[공지]국내, 국제 학술대회 발표문 모집안내
작성자 : 관리자 2009-01-09조회 : 12783
새 페이지 1
   2009. 1. 9.

            < 국내, 국제 학술대회 발표문 모집 >

* 본 한국SCM학회한국무역협회가 공동주최로 국제학술대회인 'ICLS 2009'와 국내발표대회인 '2009춘계SCM발표대회'가 동시에 COEX(2009. 6.2-5)에서 개최됩니다.

* 한글 발표는 춘계SCM발표대회에, 영어 발표 논문은 ICLS 2009에서 발표될 것이며,선정된 우수 영어 논문은 컨퍼런스 후 'International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems' 또는 SCI급 국제저널에 게재될 것입니다.

* 국내 인사에 대한 ICLS 2009 참가비는 외국인 등록비 기준 50%를 학회에서 보조할 예정입니다.  산업계 및 학계 인사들의 많은 참가 바랍니다.


(사)한국SCM학회 회장 이영해



The 5th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems

June 2-5, 2009, Seoul, Korea

- Overcoming Economic Crisis through Collaborative Global Logistics and Supply Chains -


* About ICLS
The International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems is organized by The International Federation of Logistics & SCM Systems (IFLS) and The Asian Pacific Federation of Logistics & SCM Systems(APFLS). The 1st Congress was hosted by Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, November 22-24, 2004, followed by the 2nd Congress hosted by The National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 1-4 2006. The 3rd Congress was hosted by Kanagawa University in Yokohama, Japan, August 29-31, 2007 and the 4th Congress was hosted by Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand, November 26-28, 2008. The 5th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, ICLS 2009 will be hosted by The Korean Society of Supply Chain Management(KSCM) in COEX(Convention & Exhibition Center), Seoul, Korea, June 2-5, 2009. The Congress aims to provide an international forum for leading academics, researchers and practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas on the latest development and to seek opportunities for collaboration among the participants as well as to promote excellence in the field. The latest papers in academic thinking and successful case examples will be presented. The Congress cordially invites papers from researchers, educators, modelers, software developers, users and practitioners in universities, industries and research institutes.

* Submission
Submissions should be made electronically through e-mail icls2009@kscm.org. A submission should include abstract or full paper with the key words, and a cover page including title, topic areas, name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), and e-mail address, and the contact information of the corresponding author, including mailing address, telephone and fax number. A submission of abstract or paper should be in file format of MS Word or PDF. The final manuscript for the proceedings would be fine in the format of MS Word or Power Point slides. At least one of authors should register by Pre-registration.

* Proceedings and Publication
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. In addition,
after the conference some of the selected papers will be invited for publication in the International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems (The official journal of IFLS) or the other special issue of SCI class international journal after the conference. The best paper award will be presented during the conference.

* Topic areas:
International Supply Chain Networks
Procurement and Delivery Strategies
Strategies for Logistics & SCM
Distribution and Third Party Logistics
Logistics Planning and Control
Supply Chain Performance Assessment
Plant and Warehouse Management
Vehicle Routing & Transportation
Optimization of Logistics & SCM Systems
Lean Logistics
Decision Support Systems for Logistics & SCM
Communication Technologies for Logistics
e-Logistics, c-Logistics, u-Logistics
Supplier Relationship Management
Product Development for Logistics & SCM
Sustainable Logistics & SCM Systems
Simulation of Logistics & SCM Material Handling System
Green Logistics
Inventory Management
Harbor and Port Management
Logistics Outsourcing
SCM in Healthcare industry
Logistics Engineering
Global Logistics & SCM
Customer-Supplier Relationship
RFID for Logistics & SCM
IT & Solutions for Logistics & SCM
Case Studies for Logistics & SCM
Collaboration in SCM
Integration of Production and Logistics
Advanced Planning and Scheduling
Reverse Manufacturing and Logistics
Service Supply Chain Management

* Important dates
Abstract or full paper submission:    February 15, 2009
Notification of acceptance:   March 1, 2009
Submission of final manuscript(MS Word or Power Point):   March 30, 2009
Pre-registration:   March 30, 2009
Conference dates:   June 2-5, 2009

Conference Chair:
Lee, Young Hae, Hanyang Univ., Korea   

Lee, Hee-Beom, Korea International Trade Association, Korea

Conference Co-Chairs:
Gen, Mitsuo, Waseda Univ., Japan
Min, Hokey, Bowling Green State Univ., USA

Organizing Committee: Chair:  Kwon, Oh-Kyong, Inha Univ., Korea
Program Committee: Chair: Kim, Seung Chul, Hanyang Univ., Korea
Technical Committee: Chair: Rim, Suk-Chul, Ajou Univ., Korea


*ICLS 2009 OFFICE/ The Korean Society of Supply Chain Management(KSCM)
Conference Secretary: Ms. Shin

Tel.+82-31-438-5269, 400-4506, Fax.+82-31-406-1089