

제17회 ICLS 국제학술대회 Call for Paper 공지
작성자 : 2023-02-17조회 : 38345

Dear SCM and Logistics colleagues.

On behalf of the Korean SCM and Logistics societies, we are pleased to invite you to the 17th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (http://www.icls2023.kr/) to be held in Seoul, South Korea from August 09th (Wed) to 12th (Sat), 2023 at KCCI (Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry) located in downtown Seoul. We aim this conference shall shed new insight into the utmost contributions of Logistics and SCM Systems to cope with turbulent global environmental challenges than ever.

Indeed, the conference organizes plenary talks for recent industrial SCM initiatives in South Korea including the SCM innovation of Samsung, logistics automation, intelligent SCM & logistics platforms, and logistics as a service model. At present, we have arranged four SSCI or SCI(E) indexed journals to publish the selected papers submitted to the ICLS2023. In order to encourage more current ongoing research results to be shared at the conference, PowerPoint presentations are also allowed.   

The industrial excursion will also be beneficial to the participants. Two leading industry visits for SCM and logistics implementation are prepared. We sincerely invite you to join the 17th ICLS. 

Enclosed please find the CFP(call for Paper), and the details of the conference information are referred to at http://www.icls2023.kr/.  We look forward to seeing you soon in Seoul. 


- Hyun-Soo Han (General Conference Chair, President of Korean Society of SCM)

- Soon Hong Min (President of Korea Logistics Society)

- Yong-Jang Kwon (President of The Society of Logistics Science and Technology, Korea)